Use your experience to multiply your income potential in 90 days without a complicated business plan or marketing strategy.

Our core values inspire us to work towards creating behavior and habits to bring our vision of growth.

01. Would you like to become more confident in your leadership style while creating a roadmap for you your personal and professional development?

02. Have you been contemplating starting a personal endeavor that you eventually want to eventually become your full-time dream?

03. Do you feel like you're spending too much time supporting your company’s mission, and not enough time building your own brand?

04. How would it feel to create freedom for yourself using your 9-5 while increasing your income potential?


What to expect

Become more confident

In your leadership style while finding alignment between your personal and professional development.

Develop Your Unique Value Proposition

Opens the doors for speaking, partnership or consulting opportunities to bring value to yourself and others.

Mindset Coaching

Learn everyday practices that can help you create more alignment between your mind and body to increase performance and well-being

Create additional income streams

With your skills and experience and earn the money you are worth!


Here is how I can help!

01. Owning Your Story

Create a narrative around your career and leadership experience that is tailored towards your vision, highlighting the potential and significance of your expertise.

02. Offer Creation

We’ll work together to create a compelling offer that aligns with your definition of leadership, your brand, and your aspiration beyond your 9-to-5.

03. Reframe Coaching

I challenge and support you as you navigate the course of broadening your impact, helping you achieve balance, elevate into leadership roles, and hold you accountable for your growth.

04. Reframed Mindset

Utilizing neurobiology, mindfulness, and somatics, you’ll receive a structured approach and daily mindset practices that integrate your core beliefs, steer decisions toward your external objectives, showcase expertise, or amplify your unique experiences.

Reframe Pathways Coaching Program

  • Ambitious Executives and Professionals with at least 8-10 years of experience looking to take control of their professional development by looking to create leverage for themselves by utilizing the skills they have acquired and developing their unique value proposition.

  • When you invest in yourself, you often need to see a quick ROI. You should expect to see positive results within 30 days.

  • I know it’s not helpful when someone gives you a huge list of action items and then expects you to complete them without additional support.

    That’s why you’ll gain access to weekly accountability check-ins and assistance with implementation.

  • -Customized leadership development plans

    -A vision statement that will help you plan for your 5-10-year goals

    -An understanding of your skills and you can create additional income streams

    -A plan to monetize your skills and unique value proposition.

    -Everyday mindset and performance practices to accomplish your personal and professional goals.

    -Improved decision-making and problem-solving skills



“Bryant Alexander cares about his clients and their goals. This is very evident in Bryant's methodical approach from intake to follow-up. I have had the pleasure of being coached professionally by Bryant over the past two years.”

Through Bryant's coaching, I went from being an introvert to a practiced extrovert and a very strong influencer. Bryant helped me to see my strengths and use them as a value add in my role and my cross-functional work with key stakeholders throughout a global organization. During our time together I have taken on work successfully across several lines of business, I created and founded a safe space for women of color to celebrate wins and discuss challenges, and I sat on a live panel to give career advice. Because of Bryant's coaching, I now have clear and precise short and long-term goals and have created a favorable plan to exceed expectations. I would recommend Bryant's coaching to any professional at all levels who are looking to define who they are professionally and who they'd like to become. Bryant is the absolute best!”

Provide the support and structure needed for your employees to perform at their best and feel connected to the company's mission.